Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
ISSN: 1303 - 2968   
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
©Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2018) 17, 509 - 514

Research article
Relationship Between Electromyogram Spectrum Parameters and the Tension-Time Index During Incremental Exercise in Trained Subjects
Mehdi Chlif1, , David Keochkerian2, Abdou Temfemo2, Dominique Choquet2, Said Ahmaidi2
Author Information
1 Tunisian Research Laboratory Sport Performance Optimization, National Center of Medicine and Science in Sports, Tunis, Tunisia
2 EA 3300 “APERE: Adaptations-Rehabilitation”, Picardie Jules Verne University, Amiens, F-80025 Cedex, France

Mehdi Chlif
✉ PhD Research Unit "Evaluation, Sport, Santé", National Center of Medicine and Science in Sports (CNMSS), Bp263, Ave Med Ali Akid, 1004 El Menzah, Tunis, Tunisia
Publish Date
Received: 23-03-2016
Accepted: 12-05-2016
Published (online): 14-08-2018

The inspiratory muscle tension-time index TT0.1 (given by P0.1/PImax x TI/TTOT) could be used to reliably assess inspiratory muscle activity during exercise. So far, the correlation between the TT0.1 and diaphragmatic activity has not been measured and the TT0.1 has not been compared with other measurements of the inspiratory muscle load such as the transdiaphragmatic pressure index or TTdi. In this study we hypothesize that the TT0.1 measuring the mouth is a noninvasive reflection of the electromyographic activity of the diaphragm. We simultaneously measured TT0.1 and surface EMG (SEMG) of 8 trained subjects at rest and during incremental exercise. The curvature of TT0.1 and the root mean square (RMS) follow the same trend during the incremental exercise with a significant correlation between TT0.1 and surface EMG parameters (RMS; r = 0.81 p < 0.001 and MPF; r = 0.80 p < 0.001 respectively). We conclude that TT0.1 measured as s an adequate noninvasive method reflects the diaphragmatic activity during incremental exercise in healthy subjects.

Key words: Inspiratory muscle drive, mouth occlusion pressure, fatigue; diaphragm

           Key Points
  • Overall activity of the inspiratory muscles can be evaluated by different invasive techniques.
  • TT0.1 a reliable index of the inspiratory muscle activity and recruitment
  • TT0.1 reflects the diaphragmatic activity during incremental exercise in healthy subjects.
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